Find God in Everything Around You

With Our Interesting and Fun Devotionals


God is interesting and fun, no reason for boring devotionals.


See different aspects of God and His creation in just a few minutes.


No pie in the sky or complicated theology. Only easy to grasp devotionals you can apply to your life.

Don’t Hate Your Devotional Time

Look Forward to Learning More About God

How It Works


1. Choose Your Topic

Choose which topic you want to explore God through.

2. Purchase the Book

Click on the link of the topic you chose and complete the purchase.

3. Enjoy Devotions

Enjoy up to 30 days of devotions on interesting topics you love and how they reflect God.

Books to Choose From

God is Like a Box of Crayons

Without Light There is No Color.
30 Day Adult Coloring Book Devotional.

God is Like a Video Game

Ready to Level Up Your Character?

God is Like Mining

An Unofficial Minecraft Devotional

God is Like 2020

See God in the Chaos and Stories of 2020

God is Like a Virus

Discover the Contagious Nature of God by Observing Viruses

God is Like a Democrat and a Republican

Learn About God From Each Side of the Voting Aisle

God is Like a Rocket Launch

Experience God in the History of Space Exploration

God is Like a Geyser

Spend Time Walking With God in Yellowstone Today

God is Like a Podcast

Join best-selling devotional author Chris Stanley as he explores how God's fingerprint is in everything around us. By looking at nature, pop culture, technology, occupations, or individuals you'll discover in 3-5 minutes how almost anything can point us back to God. These weekday devotions are fun because devotions should NEVER be boring.

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