Steamboat Geyser 2020 – 48 Eruptions Tying Record

Steamboat Geyser 2020 – 48 Eruptions Tying Record

Steamboat Geyser erupted 48 times in 2020 tying its own record set in 2019. The news was abuzz in 2020, talking about the supervolcano that lies underneath Yellowstone National Park. The caldera of this epic volcano is 34 by 45 miles. This supervolcano is why there...
God is Like Old Faithful Geyser

God is Like Old Faithful Geyser

You walk into a crowded visitors center, as you peer over the smaller park visitors running about, you see a large sign in the center of the room that says, “Old Faithful Geyser, estimated eruption time 9:42am.” Just above the time is a small text disclaimer that...